
Showing posts from July, 2023

MYCELIUM (originally published in 2021 as part of the short run zine 'Endocrine Wolf and Other Stories.')

  MYCELIUM I.  Buried beneath root and rock, moss and decaying leaves, that which was, now lies within the embraced of the womb of the Earth. Dead, but dreaming still, its consciousness dispersed, traveling along the neuronal fibres of the mycorrhizal network of the forest. At one with the forest, no longer a single focussed point, but returning to the undulating sea of the great multiplicity, the great whole, comprised of many. What was once wolf realises the nature of itself as an expression of the great All, a wave upon the ocean of being, a pinhole of light amongst infinite others, within the dark canvass of absolute void. The bones of this once tortured beast are consumed by the roots within its earthen tomb. In a half-life, it was transformed into a thing unknown to the natural mother, Gaia. Forced into contorted d